French judicial authorities have extended the detention of Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of Telegram, following his arrest at a Paris airport over allegations related to the use of his messaging platform.
Arrest at Paris Airport
Durov, 39, was arrested on Saturday at Le Bourget airport near Paris after arriving from Baku on his private jet. His detention marks a significant development in the career of one of the tech industry’s most prominent figures. The arrest came as a surprise to many, particularly as Durov was reportedly aware of the warrant issued against him by French investigators.
Extended Detention and Potential Legal Actions
The investigating magistrate handling Durov’s case has extended his detention, which can legally last up to 96 hours for questioning. Once this period concludes, the judge will decide whether to release Durov or to press formal charges and possibly keep him in custody for further investigation.
Allegations Against Durov and Telegram
The arrest warrant issued by French investigators is part of an inquiry into serious allegations, including fraud, drug trafficking, organized crime, promotion of terrorism, and cyberbullying. Durov is accused of failing to adequately address the criminal activities allegedly facilitated by Telegram, a platform known for its strong privacy protections and encrypted messaging.
Telegram’s Response
In response to the arrest, Telegram issued a statement asserting that the company complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act, and that its moderation practices are in line with industry standards. The company defended Durov, stating that it is “absurd” to hold a platform or its owner responsible for the misuse of the platform by users.
Russia’s Reaction
The Russian government has expressed strong disapproval of France’s handling of the situation, accusing French authorities of “refusing to cooperate” with Russian officials. The Russian embassy in Paris has requested access to Durov, claiming that France has so far “avoided engagement” on the matter.